Special District Requirements
Website Requirements for Cedar Hammock Fire Control District
I. Basic Requirements:
- Each independent special district must maintain a separate website.
- All special districts must ensure that their official website address is on file with the Special District Accountability Program so the program can link to it from its website. To verify whether a special district’s website address is on file with the program, see, Alphabetical List of Websites for Active Special Districts.
II. Post the Following Information at a Minimum:
- General Information:
- Full legal name – Cedar Hammock Fire Control District
- Public purpose – To provide fire control and emergency medical services; levy and collect taxes, assessments, and fees; and administer fire rescue programs and services within the district’s boundaries. See the district’s legislation.
- Boundaries / service area
- Services provided: – First responder services to include but not limited to: medical, fire, and public education. Additional information is contained in the district’s legislation.
- Charter / creation document – According to the laws of Florida, Chapter 2015-197 an act relating to the Cedar Hammock Fire Control District, Manatee County, the district was created by special act in 1957. Additional Information contained in the district’s legislation.
- Statute or statutes under which the special district operates: Chapters 189 and 191, Florida Statutes; the Uniform District Accountability Act. Additional information contained in the district’s legislation.
- Date established 1957 – Additional information contained in the district’s legislation.
- Establishing entity: Governor, State of Florida. Additional information contained in the district’s legislation.
- Contact Information:
- Mailing address – 5200 26th Street West, Bradenton, FL 34207
- E-mail – kbradshaw@chfr.org
- Telephone number – 941-751-7090
- Website address – https://www.chfr.org
- Registered agent – Kyle R. Bradshaw, Fire Chief
- Public Records Custodian – Joe Falcone, Deputy Chief jfalcone@chfr.org
- For each governing body member: – Commissioners
- Name
- Address
- Term
- If applicable, the appointing authority (county, municipality, Governor, etc.) – Not applicable. Officials are elected.
III.Revenue Information:
– Budget; Users Service Fees; Permit; Legislation; and Resolutions: 2018-10; 2018-09; 2018-06; 2018-02; 2016-09
- Taxes, fees, assessments, or charges imposed and collected.
- Rates or amounts for the current fiscal year.
- Statutory authority for the levy of the tax, fee, assessment, or charge.
IV. General Financial Information:
- Fiscal year period – October 1 – September 30.
- Tentative budget
- Final adopted budget
- Budget amendments, if applicable
- A link to the following page on the Department of Financial Services website so the public can view the special district’s Annual Financial Report
- The final, complete audit report for the most recent completed fiscal year, and audit reports required by law or authorized by the governing body of the special district
V. Meeting Information
– Commissioners & Meeting Dates
VI. Ethics
- Code of Ethics, if adopted
- A link to generally applicable ethics provisions
VII. If Applicable, Defined Benefit Retirement System or Plan Information (excluding the Florida Retirement System), as required by Section 112.664, Florida Statutes – Reporting standards for defined benefit retirement plans or systems
– Cedar Hammock Fire Control District is a member of the Florida Retirement System.
- Public Facilities Report– Ordinance 2020-09 Five Year Plan
Upon completion of developing its website, each special district must submit its website address to the Special District Accountability Program so the Program can link to it from its website. – Alphabetical List of Special District Websites.